A month, in the grand scheme of time, is not much time.
It is, with the grand scheme of time in mind, that I
undertake to keystroke a few comments about our life here at our little cabin
in the woods a month in advance of the October date [October 21st]
that will mark our Third Anniversary of doing what we refer to as the small
space shuffle.
I want to particularly answer three questions that are
pertinent to life in the here and now for us.
Q. Are we still content doing the small space shuffle?
We are.
We are absolutely content doing the small space shuffle
after three years of doing it. We are sure this surprises the naysayers and
those that thought we were crazy back at the beginning of this journey.
Do not think for a minute that it is not still challenging.
There were a few emotional challenges at the outset. We had to learn how to let
go of stuff. It is crazy just how emotionally attached we get to our stuff. Not
now though. The challenges are more of the physical type. What is the greatest
physical challenge that we face at this point three years into the adventure?
The greatest challenge is finishing several unfinished projects. Especially the
unfinished projects inside the cabin.
The first is that we are not in some kind of keeping up
with the neighbor’s contest where things are concerned. We live
simply. And we simply live in the woods.
The other is that things like finishing the counter in the kitchen corner and redoing the floor are not as easily done as thought about. It is not like there is a spare room or corner to set things up that we use every day as part of normal life.
The other is that things like finishing the counter in the kitchen corner and redoing the floor are not as easily done as thought about. It is not like there is a spare room or corner to set things up that we use every day as part of normal life.
Strictly to the question … we are perfectly content and
cannot fathom the idea of returning to the status quo of normal home
ownership, mortgage payments, high utilities, or all the expectations, glitter,
and glamor that goes along with what we called life in the ruburbs. [Ruburbs
is that geographic area that is no longer rural but not quite suburban.
It is the area at the edge of the sprawl characterized by large houses and
It helps, too, that Shirli and I have both recognized and
embraced our hermit dispositions.
Q. What have we
been up to over the course of the past year?
Quite a lot, and at the same time, not much at all.
It takes some time to settle into this thing called retirement.
We have mostly been simply living. We have mostly
been simply taking care of ourselves.
A large part of simply taking care of ourselves involves our
faith-life; an area that is easy to neglect when hammering out a living. We
were, when an alarm clock and a time clock owned us, snatching and grabbing at
a little devotional time here and there to maintain some semblance of the
larger devotional picture.
It is that way with all of us. Now that we are
retired, and settled into it, we are able to do better than snatch and grab.
The challenge now is not the time clock and the demands of the workaday life.
The challenge is in the personal discipline department within ourselves … a
dimension that presents itself as a far greater challenge now than before now
that there is time to reckon with it.

Something more tangible though, in answering the question,
has to do with a magazine. Shirli and I have three articles in the works at Backwoodsman.
When will they be printed? That is a question that we cannot answer. We are
looking forward to their publication though. Not so much to garner any personal
attention but more so to encourage others – particularly where tiny house
living and container gardening in small spaces are concerned.
Q. What plans do
we have for the coming year?
The short answer is … JUST LIVE and ENJOY LIFE!
The longer answer is a bit more wordy. The longer answer is
more elusive. The longer answer involves one of those it depends clarifiers.
The it depends thing is the real kicker right now.
How we are going to go about just living and enjoying life is going
to be partly determined on the 16th of this month. That is the date
for Shirli’s follow-up with the team that did her surgery after a polyp tested
positive for endometrial cancer. The follow-up is when we will find out the
results of the pathology.
Everyone every step of the way has been very helpful,
hopeful, and encouraging. The eyes of the surgeons saw nothing that caused them
to be alarmed when they performed the hysterectomy. We are expecting to hear
good news from the doctors on the 16th – that the cancer was only in
the one polyp and that no other treatments are needed or recommended.
The love ideal?
Jesus said, I give you a new commandment, that you love
one another. Just as I have loved you, you also should love one another. By
this everyone will know that you are my disciples, if you have love for one
another. [John 13:34-35]
It is easy to say. The doing of it grows easier the more we
practice it.
We learn, in the doing of it, when and to whom it is
necessary to love with a tough love that limits [perhaps prohibits
would be a better word in some cases] their personal dysfunction and drama from
destroying our peace. Tough love is the most painful kind of love. It is
important to remember that monastery walls are not built to keep the monks
inside the monastery. They are built to protect the peace and serenity of the
monks by keeping the world, its worldlings, and even large numbers of professors
of faith outside the monastery where they can do no harm to those inside. The
enclosures represented by our personal lives must necessarily include
protective barriers.
Regardless ... JUST LIVE.
Regardless ... ENJOY LIFE.
Regardless of what is going on in the surrounding world or
in the smaller world comprised of our own small life-circles … never let go of faith,
hope, and love.
There is more to come.
Peace to you and yours,
David & Shirli
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